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국내 최대 기계 및 로봇 연구정보
통합검색 화살표
  • NX CAE(Nastran)
  • 공학설계DB

    게시판 상단 게시물 검색바


    공학설계D/B 리스트
    번호 Data Title Data Item
    1300 Introduction and guide to ESDU data on acoustic fatigue. 74037
    1300 The relation between sound pressure level and r.m.s. fluctuating pressure. 66018
    1300 Combination of levels in dB. 66017
    1300 Bandwidth correction. 66016
    1300 Definitions of terms for acoustic fatigue analysis. 66013
    1300 Vibration and Acoustic Fatigue Series: record of documents. 00011
    1300 Dynamics of a simple flexible rotor supported in axial groove hydrodynamic journal bearings. (Guide to use of computer program A9523.) 95023
    1300 Design and material selection for dry rubbing bearings (use of computer program A9615). 96015
    1300 Selection of alloys for hydrodynamic bearings. 88018
    1300 Design and material selection for dry rubbing bearings. 87007

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