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유튜브: https://www.youtube.com/materics
인스타: https://www.instagram.com/merric1997/

#플라즈모닉 #Plasmonics #광학바이오센서 #플라즈몬공명 #금속나노구조모양
#적층가공 #마이크로나노구조체복제기술

출처: 신진연구자
생체의학 및 전기광학 유연시스템을 위한 적층 가공 (Additive Manufacturing) 기술 개발
김봉중(Bongjoong Kim)(Purdue University / Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering) / kim2430 at purdue.edu /
https://www.materic.or.kr/v2/mp/content.asp?f_id=99 page=1 listType=20 s_kinds= s_word= listCnt=

Byoung-Hoon Kang, Youngseop Lee, Eun-Sil Yu, Hamin Na, Minhee Kang, Hee Jae Huh, and Ki-Hun Jeong,
Ultrafast and Real-Time Nanoplasmonic On-Chip Polymerase Chain Reaction for Rapid and Quantitative Molecular Diagnostics , ACS Nano(2021)