(주)노바테크 로봇 엔지니어 경력/신입 채용(울산/부산)
대구경북과학기술원 모션컨트롤 연구실
실험실 소개 이미지
실험실 정보안내
지도교수 오세훈
전공분류 로봇공학(Robotics),
주소 대구광역시 달성군 현풍면 테크노중앙대로 333
전화 053-785-6209
홈페이지 http://control.dgist.ac.kr/web/
Welcome to Motion Control Lab. of the Department of Robotics Engineering at DGIST

We are dedicated to helping people find better ability in motions through various technologies of robotics and control engineering. Four keywords of our research are Control, Actuator, Mobility, and Muscle.

Knowledge and technologies on human, machine and control are converged to achieve our goals.

Rotary Type Series Elastic Actuator
Novel Training Robot System for Muscular Exercise of Human
Traction Control for Curling Robot
Electric Mobility
Design and Control of the Prismatic Series Elastic Actuator
Force Controlled Parallel Robot
Human motion analysis using musculoskeletal simulator
Force controlled partial weight bearing system
Acceleration based force measurement and control
Precision position control of SEA
Precision control of cross coupled gantry
Chan Lee and Sehoon Oh
Optimal Landing Strategy for Two-Mass Hopping Leg With Natural Dynamics
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2020-03, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 3707~ 3714

Hanul Jung, Kiho Jeon, Jaegu Kang and Sehoon Oh
Iterative Feedback Tuning of Cascade Control of Two-Inertia System
IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2020, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 785~ 790

Hyunwook Lee, Jee-Hwan Ryu, Jinoh Lee and Sehoon Oh
Passivity Controller based on Load-side Damping Assignment for High Stiffness Controlled Series Elastic Actuators
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020, Vol. 0, No. 0, pp. 0~ 0