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국내 최대 기계 및 로봇 연구정보
통합검색 화살표
  • Virtuous6D
  • 공학설계D/B

    공학설계D/B 게시판 내용
    Volume Title Aerodynamics
    Volume No AEROFOILS AND WINGS - Aerofoils at supersonic speeds. Critical Mach number and pressure coefficient. Flat plates.
    DATA Title Theoretical properties of two-dimensional supersonic aerofoils of simple section.
    DATA Item Aero W.S.00.03.04
    KEYWORD aerodynamic, aerofoil, busemann, centre, curve, double, drag, flow, lift, moment, pitching, slope, supersonic, wave, wedge, airfoil, center
    ABSTRACT ESDU Aero W.S.00.03.04 tabulates formulae for the lift, wave drag and pitching moment coefficients and aerodynamic centre position of symmetric and non-symmetric double-wedge aerofoils and of biconvex aerofoils in terms of Busemann coefficients. Equations are given for those coefficients and values are tabulated in ESDU Aero S.00.03.14. The formulae apply when the flow is everywhere supersonic and therefore imply an attached nose shock wave; ESDU Aero S.00.03.16 predicts conditions for shock wave detachment. The effects of viscosity are neglected. Values of lift-curve slope, wave drag contributions at zero lift and due to lift, and aerodynamic centre position are discussed for symmetric sections for which the formulae simplify. The variation of wave drag at zero lift for a symmetric double-wedge section and the variation with Mach number of aerodynamic centre position for a diamond section are illustrated in sketches.

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