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국내 최대 기계 및 로봇 연구정보
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  • uPrint SE (3D프린터)
  • 공학설계D/B

    공학설계D/B 게시판 내용
    Volume Title Aerodynamics
    Volume No AEROFOILS AND WINGS - Wings - lift, pitching moment, aerodynamic centre, spanwise loading
    DATA Title Lift-curve slope and aerodynamic centre position of wings in inviscid subsonic flow.
    DATA Item 70011
    KEYWORD aerodynamic, centre, curve, lift, slope, wing, center
    ISBN 0 85679 812 6
    ABSTRACT ESDU 70011 presents data for the lift-curve slope and aerodynamic centre position for wings with straight leading- and trailing-edges and streamwise tips in subsonic flow. The data were derived from lifting-surface theory and are presented in carpet form for bA up to 12, A tanf up to 6 and taper ratios from 0 to 1 where A is aspect ratio, b is root of one minus Mach number squared and f is the half-chord sweep. The data can be applied to other than straight-tapered planforms by means of the equivalent wing planform concept (ESDU 76003 or ESDU 76015). Comparisons with a wide range of test data indicate that the lift-curve slope of wings on wing-body combinations is predicted to within about 5 per cent and that aerodynamic centre position is predicted generally to within 0.03 of the aerodynamic mean chord. The Helmbold-Diederich formula for lift-curve slope is also given. A Fortran program of the method (ESDUpac A7011) is provided on disc in the software volume in both uncompiled form and in ESDUview, a user-friendly shell that prompts on-screen for input data. The program includes an extension to cover wings with modestly swept forward half-chord lines.

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