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  • 기술보고서

    기술보고서 게시판 내용
    타이틀 Effects of Propellant Property on Vehicle Structure and Velocity Gain of a Space Transportation System
    저자 Fumiei ONO, Yoshio WAKAMATSU, Takeshi KANDA
    Keyword propellants; rocket; launch vehicle; space transportation system; SSTO vehicle, low earth orbit; aerospace plane
    URL http://send.nal.go.jp/send/jpn/dlpdf.php3/naltm0000739.pdf?id=NALTM0000739
    보고서번호 NAL TM-739
    발행년도 1999.05
    출처 NAL (National Aerospace Laboratory of Japan)
    ABSTRACT Dry vehicle bulk density, defined as the vehicle dry mass divided by the propellant tank volume, was adopted as the structure evaluation index of a space transportation vehicle. The modified dry vehicle bulk density, which includes the payload mass effect, was also shown for convenience of flight performance analysis. These indices proved to be useful for estimating the effects of propellant properties on the mission ability of the space transportation vehicle. Dry vehicle bulk density is 35 to 115kg/m3 for existing rocket vehicles, and 145 to 270kg/m3 for existing air freighters. If the mutual relationship between the specific impulse and the propellant density is pertinent, the mission ability of the space transportation vehicle will be of peak value. The permissible value of dry vehicle bulk density for the mission achievement may be determined from the specific impulse, propellant density, and the required velocity gain. For practical use, a combination of liquid oxygen and liquid methane is suitable for SSTO (single stage to orbit) vehicles. Namely, the use of such propellants will result in the smallest and most robust airframe for the SSTO vehicle.

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