메릭 웨비나
Unsupervised Discovery of World Structure
안성진 교수 (KAIST 전산학부)  |  2022-10-28
조회수 1114 좋아요 5

The world embraces various forms of structure in it. It is governed by time and space (3D), partial-observability, uncertainty, causality, and also is composed of modular entities like objects. The power of human intelligence seems to come from the ability to discover these structures and utilize those in such a way to support systematic generalization. Furthermore, a human-level AI would need to achieve this ability in an unsupervised fashion like humans. In this talk, I introduce recent research efforts of my research group toward this direction, specifically via unsupervised object-centric representation learning. 

  • Representation Learning
  • World Models
  • Object-Centric Learning
  • Unsupervised Learning
  • World Structure
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