메릭 웨비나
Neuromechanical simulation of human locomotion
송성문 교수 (Northeastern University Mechanical Industrial Engineering)  |  2022-10-14
조회수 1379 좋아요 5

I will talk about my research on neuromechanical simulation models that can produce human-like diverse locomotion and their usage in studying human physiology, testing assistive devices, and controlling robotic systems. In my Ph.D. research, I proposed a reflex-based control model that could generate diverse human-like motions with a musculoskeletal model in physics simulations. Since then, we have adapted the model to explain elderly gait, predict the performance of gait assistive ankle exoskeletons, and control a bipedal robot. In addition to presenting these previous works, I will discuss how we plan to enhance the versatility of neuromechanical simulations using deep reinforcement learning and validate the reliability of their predictions, especially for gait assistive exoskeletons. 

  • Neuromechanical simulation
  • Locomotion
  • Motor control
  • Exoskeletons
  • Deep reinforcement learning
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