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국내 최대 기계 및 로봇 연구정보
통합검색 화살표
  • 트랙백
  • 공학설계DB

    게시판 상단 게시물 검색바


    공학설계D/B 리스트
    번호 Data Title Data Item
    80 Effect of cut-out on lift-curve slope. Aero W.01.01.04
    80 Lift-curve slope of swept and tapered wings. Aero W.01.01.01
    80 Boundaries of linear characteristics of cambered and twisted wings at subcritical Mach numbers. 88030
    80 Wing angle of attack for zero lift at subcritical Mach numbers. 87031
    80 Wing pitching moment at zero lift at subcritical Mach numbers. 87001
    80 Low-speed normal force and pitching moment of slender wings in ground effect. 71007
    80 Low-speed longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of slender wings. 71006
    80 Fluid forces and moments on flat plates. 70015
    80 Lift-curve slope and aerodynamic centre position of wings in inviscid supersonic flow. 70012
    80 Lift-curve slope and aerodynamic centre position of wings in inviscid subsonic flow. 70011

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