(주)노바테크 로봇 엔지니어 경력/신입 채용(울산/부산)
Self Induced Solutal Marangoni Flows Realize Coffee Ring Less Quantum Dot Microarrays with Extensive Geometric Tunability and Scalability
Jeongsu Pyeon(Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanc)
Korea | Advanced Science

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Advanced Science,9(11), 2104519.




■ Researchers

Jeongsu Pyeon

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Kyeong Min Song, Yeon Sik Jung, Hyoungsoo Kim



■ Abstract

Currently, quantum dot light-emitting diodes (QD-LEDs) are receiving extensive attention. To maximize their luminous performance, the uniformity of the QD-LEDs is crucial. Although the spontaneously self-induced solutal Marangoni flow of an evaporating binary mixture droplet has been widely investigated and used to suppress coffee-ring patterns in ink-jet printing technology, unfortunately, ring shapes are still present at the edges, and the Marangoni flow generated by the selective evaporation of volatile liquid components cannot be controlled due to its nonlinear instabilities. In this work, polygonal coffee-ring-less QD microarrays are created using two spontaneous and sequential solutal Marangoni flows. During the initial evaporation, internal circulating flows are controlled by polygonal-shaped droplets. After that, sequential interfacial flows are generated by the captured volatile vapors. A theoretical model and scaling analysis are provided to explain the working mechanisms. It is expected that the newly designed printing system can be applied to the mass production of QD-LEDs.



  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Soft Matter
  • Flow Visualization
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